The scandal ridden administration has chalked up yet another one. First we had the Secret Service prostitute scandal. Then there was the GSA’s extravagant Vegas trip. After that was the Fast and Furious scandal followed up by the Solyndra boondoggle. Then of course, there came Benghazi. All this in just President Obama’s first term. Now to be fair, many of these had nothing to do directly with the President, although I’m not so sure on the last two.
As if Benghazi wasn’t bad enough of a scandal, the cover up of Benghazi has turned into its own scandal during President Obama’s second term, and I suspect that this one does touch the President. Then came the IRS’s all-out war on hundreds of conservative organizations, to the Justice Department’s “criminalization of journalism” through targeting, harassing and seizing the records of news reporters and editors. What about the potential Holder perjury? What about the Pigford scandal, the Sebelius scandal, the New Black Panthers thuggery at the polling place in the first election, etc.
Well, you get the picture. If this were a republican President, he would have already been impeached and likely imprisoned by now. Again to be fair, not all of these have to do with the President, at least not directly. What I think this shows us is the culture this President brings to Washington, a culture of corruption.
The newest scandal to strike? The newest freedom stripped from you, the average American citizen?
The Blaze Reports: Millions of Americans’ phone records are being indiscriminately collected every day by the National Security Agency (NSA)
Your privacy is now gone. Long gone are the days that a warrant is needed to tap your phones. But wait… that’s not all!
The Blaze Reports: The Guardian on Saturday published an additional NSA slide about how PRISM is said to work. The slide specifically states, “Collection directly from the servers of these U.S. Service Providers: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple.”
Now if you are a suspected terrorist, and they have evidence of this, and they get a warrant (even if said warrant is done in a “secret court”), I don’t have a problem with any of this. But for us average citizens who have no intention of breaking the law, and who are NOT in any way breaking the law, yet we are treated by the NSA as criminals, I do have a problem with this.
It’s time to take back our country. It’s time for America to wake up. Elections matter. Get informed! Don’t just pull the lever for someone because of the letter behind their name or because of their skin color. Know what they believe and vote informed.